Saturday, January 24, 2009


From the NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee) website: "Thanks to Republican economic policies, the U.S. economy is robust and job creation is strong."

Maybe someone should tell them...


Tim said...

I'm not trying to bash Republicans here. I just think that, given the current economic crisis, which is the worst since the Great Depression, the NRCC should just maybe update their website...

Unknown said...

I'm afraid that acknowledging the problem would be totally out of character for today's NRCC.

Tim said...

Four months ago, maybe. People were still saying, "we're not officially in a recession," hoping to push the "start" of the recession onto a Democrat president instead of a Republican one. Didn't quite work.
But to not acknowledge it now...
I mean, we have a Democrat president now, so it must be his fault, right?