Friday, August 10, 2007


So I finally found a job. And we're not talking sleep clinic graveyard work, or something else that would be a move down. We're talking an actual teaching job.
A few days ago, Bonneville High School in Idaho Falls called and left a message.
I'd interviewed with them right before I got married, and the principal had called me and told me that he thought they'd hire me, and to talk to him before I accepted any other offers. Well, after the honeymoon, I discovered an email from him, telling me they'd given the job to someone who could teach both earth science and biology. Bit of a disappointment. Major disappointment, with the lack of open teaching jobs in the area.
Now, many teaching jobs are difficult to get. But I'm a science teacher. Math, science, and special education (and, more and more, ESL) are all areas where more teachers are least everywhere but eastern Idaho. I've been amazingly diligent about keeping abreast of all the job openings within an hour of Idaho Falls. And I interviewed for a total of two jobs. Not that good of odds.
So when I listened to the message from Bonneville, new hope sprung up within me. Sure enough, they wanted to 'emergency hire' me. Another teacher had quit just three weeks before the beginning of the school year, and I was their best option.
So, I'm relieved. Benefits (so now I'll have health insurance and won't have to pay out-of-pocket anymore). Good pay (well, compared to my other alternatives), and good hours. And a job I'll probably enjoy.
Of course, since I'm an emergency hire, after this year my job is up for grabs, and if I want it, I have to reapply and interview for it again. Not that I'll have a ton of competition, but...
We're not planning on staying, though. Northwest US, Northeast US, or Europe sound great.


Cougarg said...

Hey Congratulations! This must come as a huge relief. How's the Mono coming?

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Tim. I'm really happy for you.

How's the mono playing itself out?

Christine said...

Hoory for finding a job - that's fantastic. And ditto about the mono question.

Oh, and do you have any pics from your wedding you can post?

Tim said...

Wrote a new mono post just barely.
As far as pictures go, I'll put some up as some as I find some good ones. Just kidding (kind of). I was disappointed in most of the pictures (I think we were tired, and the photographer made both of us anxious). I much prefer the better engagement pictures. For some reason, the pictures we have won't show up on my computer...I'll try to get some up soon though. There are still some open house pictures at my parent's place that we haven't seen yet...but April's mom took one of Bekah giving me a hug and Thomas looking a bit...disturbed. Awesome picture.

Cougarg said...

Gotta see that one for sure.