Monday, June 12, 2006

Pictures of Europe

I spent 10 weeks during the summer of 2005 touring Europe. I spent about $6000 on the trip (that includes airfare, room and board, sight-seeing, transportation costs, etc.) I briefly visited wards I'd served in in Germany (Karlsruhe and Wetzlar) as well as personal and family friends from my childhood days in Switzerland. I traveled solo and stayed in hostels and cheap bed and breakfasts. I hit countries all over Europe; favorites include Norway (check out some of the awesome scenery), Switzerland (scenery and old friends I hadn't seen for 18 years), France (but not Paris and her hordes of ugly American tourists), Germany (especially the nice non-touristy towns with so much charm), and England. These pictures represent Europe at its best, and some of the friends I visited there.

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